So it's been a week or so since my last post. In Japanese class, we can now tell time, read numbers and know the days of the week. The past 2 days in class we've been practicing asking from what time until what time is a place open or when a person sleeps/works/studies/wakes up. It's not that bad yet. We've really progressed in this last week. No more romaji anymore :( it's all hiragana! O.O I'm happy though cause now I feel like the language is really starting to pick up but now I understand why Park sensei said that some people have said that this class feels like a 10 credit course instead of a 5 credit one.
I'm also taking Business Chinese and it's 2 hours before my Japanese class. I'm starting to think it wasn't such a good idea to take 2 languages at the same time or at least 2 language classes that meet everyday. But I like learning Japanese and I think it's pretty fun. The homework in the pink thin book is a little difficult for me just because some of the characters are in kanji and in katakana which we haven't really learned yet. And my hiragana reading is really slow and sometimes I can read it but not necessarily understand what it's asking. *sigh* time to really study and work harder on Japanese!